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​UN Human Rights Chief pays tribute to Captain Mbaye Diagne


The Italian Artist Edoardo Baraldi.

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Association du Capitaine

Mbaye Diagne - Nekkinu Jàmm

The logo of the Association was painted by the Secretary Enrico Muratore

Other artists have also celebrated the Captain like the Argentinian artist Camila Bareis.


In April 2015, a group of Senegalese graffiti artists had already painted a giant graffiti on Captain Mbaye Diagne in the HLM municipality of Dakar.


The Tirailleurs Square in Dakar is being restructured by the Government and a statue of Captain Mbaye Diagne will be erected there in 2018.Twitter

Genocide survivors welcome the statue dedicated to Captain Mbaye Diagne in Dakar. `Youtube Video

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